Sterilization Protocols
The doctors and staff at Donison Dental understand the many concerns regarding the safety of giving and receiving dental care, and take them very seriously.
We adhere to stringent Infection Control Protocols put in place by the Alberta Dental Association, and WHMIS recommendations.
Donison Dental is also a member of the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedure (OSAP). OSAP is a globally recognized association that deals with infection prevention and safety. Dental and medical offices and associations join the Organization to obtain timely and relevant resources to increase the safety of dental care for their workplace.
We at Donison Dental use the available knowledge, skill, and equipment needed to treat every patient with the highest standard of sterilization and infection control.
We first thoroughly clean and then sterilize all handpieces and instruments after each patient. Our sterilizers are monitored daily and tested once a month by the University of Alberta to ensure sterilization has been achieved every cycle. Any items that cannot be sterilized are disposed of after each patient. All surfaces in the treatment areas are disinfected using chemical solutions that insure the highest level of infection control and protection to the environment.
Clinical staff members wear masks and gloves for the protection of both themselves and their patients.
Both may be changed and disposed of several times during each dental procedure. Non-latex materials are available when latex allergy is present. Both clinical staff and patients are required to wear protective eyewear to avoid eye contamination and injury.

More information
(780) 489-0160
14729-87 Ave. NW Edmonton, AB Canada T5R 4E5
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